Taiwan Rheumatology Association was started on November 27, 1982 in Taipei, capital of Taiwan and is registered as academic society in Taiwan. Taiwan rheumatology Association which id is abbreviated as TRA has successfully completed its 30 years of service. The major objective of this association is to broaden the research aspects in the field of rheumatology, as it has become one of the common diseases and also to promote patient care. In 1980, TRA has joined hands along with other associations like south East Asia and Pacific Area league to fight against Rheumatism. Later in 1988 TRA has become of the former member of APLAR. The association is highly active and holds to meetings annually. Formosan Journal of rheumatology and TRA e-newsletter are the two publications maintained by the Association. TRA holds up all its members active to in order to have a successful organization. They have also hosted APLAR Symposium successfully in the Taiwan in 2011. TRA remains active with its members in order to have successful part in serving the people.